A toxin is any substance that creates irritation and / or harmful effects in the body, undermining our health or stressing our biochemical or organ functions. In the 21st century, more than at any other time in history, we are bombarded with toxins. In addition to environmental pollution, there are many toxins in food sources: pesticides, plasticizers, additives both in food and products, hormones in intensive farmed meats, etc. Within our bodies, we have to 'deal' with these substances for which we weren't designed.
Stone Age man didn't unwrap the plastic from his woolly mammoth steak before he popped it in the microwave! The true long term impact of all this on human physiology is yet to be revealed. However, along with a number of illnesses, obesity rates are rising year on year.
When the liver is overloaded, as it commonly is with the modern diet, it cannot successfully eliminate everything we are subjected to both internally and externally. Anything that cannot be eliminated and excreted is locked up safely in the fat stores.
Think toxic dump!
This 60-page E-book is packed with nutritious meal plans and recipes that all the family will enjoy.
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